Trusted by Your Neighbors & Businesses of All Sizes
We want to help every individual, every business, and every home, find its place in the sun.
5,000+ members have already signed up.

We want to put the power of the sun to work for everyone. The same way the sun powers everything from petunias to palm trees, we’re helping every individual, and every home, find its place in the sun.
With over 5,000+ members and servicing 140+ Solar Gardens, Sunscription makes the benefits of solar accessible to everyone.
Sunscription is powered by US Clean Energy.
I've subscribed to their Community Solar program for about a year, and while it is a great way to save money on your energy bill it is also a great way to be a part of the Solar community! Their representatives and coordinators are always pleasant to work with and are helpful in clearly explaining the details of the program to make it understandable.
I signed up for US Solar about a year ago and it has been a wonderful experience. I typically save about $30-$60 per month on my electric bills, and currently, Xcel Energy owes me over $200 in credits for the power that my portion of the solar garden has added to the grid. This is honestly kind of a no-brainer.
18 months in....just love this program....have referred many friends and relatives....love the program...savings....and their service
We want to help every individual, every business, and every home, find its place in the sun.
5,000+ members have already signed up.